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Let's Get Realistic, Entertaining Isn't Easy.

A lot of people turn to being an online entertainer thinking it's easy, "I get to do what I love AND make money?!" the short answer is no. To meet the criteria for online entertainment today is no joke, even over a year of Vtubing I've only made around $1000 dollars which isn't even enough for a months rent and that's as someone who has a lot of free time with no job or school. So what can you expect?

First of all I've noticed a very common number trend and that's 1/10th, 1/10th of your followers will like your content and 1/10th of those will follow you. As an example I currently have around 1k followers, I get around 100 likes per GOOD post and 8-20 followers per depending on what it is. Yes, it's that hard to gain numbers online, at the rate I'm going I'd have to produce a ridiculous amount of content a day just to get to 10k and even that's considered small in this industry!

I'd be making more money working a minimum wage job than I do spending all my time working on commissions, video edits, tweets, and streaming, but that's just the thing...

I wouldn't be living out my dream working that job, it wouldn't bring a mass amount of joy to the world! We only live one life and as someone with GAD and thanatophobia I could care less about making money, I want to be a star and prove to everyone else in the world that even though this isn't easy, it's possible.

So despite everything I've said do you still want to follow your passion OR do you want to waste your days away working a job you don't care for?

You decide.

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