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The Truth.

No one cares. Yes, really! No one will care about you unless you give them a REASON! I struggled with extreme anxiety for YEARS in fear that if I even glanced at the internet no one would forget me, the reality is no one really gives a single shit about you or what you do UNLESS you do something for them first.

This may sound off subject but I'm Non-Binary and I get misgendered on a regular basis DESPITE having my gender and pronouns clearly visible on every platform, no one checks, no one is looking, they do not care. So how do you get people to look your way, to want you?

You need to provide VALUE to them, of any kind. Do you follow all your favorite content creators just because? NO. Everyone you follow is for a reason whether that be them making you smile, being inspiring or overall being a great genuine person. What can you provide to the world that NO ONE else can do? What are you good at? Why would someone take the time out of their day to WANT to see what you make every day?

It may sound harsh but it's the honest truth. You follow a cooking channel probably because you like cooking and not because the guy who cooks did something unrelated one time. Find something you like, something you're good at or something the world is lacking and share it with the world!

I mean would you really be on MY blog if you didn't have something to gain? Think about it.

Make them care, you have so much potential and I can't wait to see you succeed!

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